Alice’s Ordinary People
Alice’s Ordinary People
Saturday, February 1, 2025 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (CST)
Alice's Ordinary People is a documentary about Alice Tregay, an unsung heroine of the Civil Rights Movement. Her remarkable story spans the historic marches of Dr. King through the election of Barack Obama, and her great contribution in the field of politics is the thread which connects the two. A more thorough description is offered at under the tab Alice's Ordinary People. Craig Dudnick’s presentation begins with a fifteen-minute overview of the Civil Rights Movement and Alice's role in bringing politics to the Movement; this followed by the film screening, with discussion after. Alice's Ordinary People is available on Kanopy and on DVD.
This presentation is free and intended for teens and adults. No registration is required.
For additional information, please contact Samantha at or at (815) 756-9568 ext. 1701.
309 Oak St.
DeKalb, IL 60115 United States