A Place Within: For Counseling and Sand/Play Therapy

A Place Within: For Counseling and Sand/Play Therapy




Hello and welcome to my unique practice, A Place Within, Counseling and Play Therapy Center. Although trained in traditional talk therapy, I also focus on creative therapies that integrate the mind, body, and spirit. These include sandplay therapy for adults and children,  play therapy for children, dream work, art, and hypnotherapy. Rather than staying in the analytical areas of the brain, as talk therapy traditionally functions, these creative approaches integrate the whole brain into treatment.

My approach is Jungian, holistic, humanistic, and existential; meaning I believe that people mean well and strive towards the good in life. It also means I find value in our need to honor and explore deeper life questions regarding the meaning and purpose of our lives. I believe that therapy is for everyone, struggles affect everyone, they transcend religions, race, culture, and education. As a result, I focus on life improvement and personal growth in my practice.


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